Yamaha 80′s frontier – A-S700 amplifier CD-S700 CD player

Yamaha 80′s frontier – A-S700 amplifier CD-S700 CD player
Yamaha 80′s frontier – A-S700 amplifier CD-S700 CD player
Yamaha 80′s frontier – A-S700 amplifier CD-S700 CD player

The 80′s often celebrated a small comeback, once in the fashion department, actually in the winter sports apparel and once again the technology segment got in touch with the tech-oozing brushed aluminum looks. The minds at Yamaha understand the excellent feel and the classic atmosphere radiated by bright and brushed silver. The A-S700 amplifier and the CD-S700 CD player offers those begone high end feelings with up-to-date features such as USB accessibility but basically focused on essential functionality and design. [via]