![Whillas and Gunn Australian-made Canvas Bag Whillas and Gunn Australian-made Canvas Bag](;http://images.gentlemansgadgets.com/images/whillas-and-gunn-helmut-canvas-bag.jpg)
![Whillas and Gunn Australian-made Canvas Bag Whillas and Gunn Australian-made Canvas Bag](;http://images.gentlemansgadgets.com/images/whillas-and-gunn-helmut-canvas-bag.jpg)
If there’s a country, which undoubtedly needs rugged outdoor gear then it possible is Australia and its harsh outback. Being a proud family business since 1972, Whillas & Gunn knows a thing or two about making great quality goods evident in this compact-sized bag. The Helmut bag is crafted of durable and tight woven canvas and comes in a really compact form factor made to efficiently carry your goods without getting to cumbersome on the go.