The bit extra class mobile by Nokia

The bit extra class mobile by Nokia
The bit extra class mobile by Nokia
The bit extra class mobile by Nokia

Nokia is a common name, a brand for smartphones for the masses, however their latest 8800 adaption intrigues with the precious Vertu. The 8800 Carbon Arte is a premium handset to the core constructed of not just metal-look-a-like-plastics materials, from solid woven carbon fiber over precious light weight titanium to simple understated stainless steel details. The high level of finesse does not break when it comes to the well-conceived feature list, it brings mandatory 3G, a 3.2 megapixel camera, 4GB of flash memory, an OLED display with an anti-fingerprint coating and that luxurious extras such as tap-for-time or turn-to-mute function which adds a little more convenience to the day.