Société Horlogère Reconvilier provides the Golfer’s perfect Timekeeper

Société Horlogère Reconvilier provides the Golfer’s perfect Timekeeper
Société Horlogère Reconvilier provides the Golfer’s perfect Timekeeper
Société Horlogère Reconvilier provides the Golfer’s perfect Timekeeper

It was the traditional, inconspicuous design coupled with solidity and reliability, which helped the Société Horlogère Reconvilier, SHR, to rapidly garner the global reputation as the people’s watch par excellance. Today, the Swiss watch manufacture SHR aspires a change with extraordinary mechanical innovations and unusual combinations. With the audicity of innovation, SHR introduces the Hercules Golf Master, a utilitarian combination of a mechanical movement with a GPS application. A digital display displays the measured distance to the green, front edge or center, whilst just a short flick of the reversible Rotar mechanism reveals a beautiful timekeeper. Stainless steel or platinum embodies this conception, and an ETA caliber 2892A provides the energy.