Roberto Coin anything but understated Magnifica Collection Cuff Links

Roberto Coin anything but understated Magnifica Collection Cuff Links
Roberto Coin anything but understated Magnifica Collection Cuff Links

Roberto Coin anything but understated Magnifica Collection Cuff Links

With bearing the handwriting of the leading front among Italian jewelers, who’s also one of the most renown experts on refining gold, namely Roberto Coin, it’s no surprise that this sumptuous cuff links of the Magnifica collection don’t belong to the understatement category. The brands legendary goldsmith craftsmanship can be traced back to the time the town Vicenza, the location of Roberto Coin’s headquarter, gained international fame. This acclaimed expertise is clearly evident in this cuffs, which were born with the intention to strike at any rate. A basket weave made of 18kt gold in any imaginable color constitutes an awe-inspiring flashy appearance, on demand complemented with a diamond trim.