Alan Flusser is a national treasure, and “Dressing the Man: Mastering the Art of Permanent Fashion” along with his earlier book “Clothes and the Man,” is a valuable guide for the man who is interested in discovering the principles of classic male style and applying them in his life. Through a wealth of photos and informed commentary, Flusser explains those principles, lays out the “How” and more importantly, the “Why,” and even assembles about as comprehensive a glossary as any man not a top-of-the-line tailor is ever likely to need. Some of the ideas, such as how to pair multiple patterns, aren’t for beginners. But any man who studies this book and takes the ideas in it to heart will do himself credit, and be a definite improvement to the overall menswear landscape.
Flusser concentrates on the importance of the silhouette and emphasizes the idea of clothing as being an extension of one’s self, in direct contrast with popular men’s wear designers of today, who instead force the man to conform to certain standards by means of premade and prefitted clothing.
This book is aimed at building a classic wardrobe. There is a short chapter in the back which addresses “business casual” dress, but the primary focus is on more formal business clothing such as suits, dress shirts, ties, oxford shoes, etc.
Alan Flusser states in his foreword “The linking of permanent with fashion may well strike many as an oxymoron. Particularly today, when fashion is taken to mean a commitment to risk and change, mating it with the idea of permenance is bound to cause confusion, if not downright controversy. This is not an oversight but rather an attempt to provoke the inquiring mind.”
We think Flusser’s magnum opus is probably one of the most worthwhile men’s book which clarifies how to dress yourself appropiately for all occasions and never be embarrassed about dressing comfortably and dressing well.
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