Hard Graft Square1 Leather Holdall
In the frame of the recently introduced Shore collection, Hard Graft has unveiled a new holdall design called the Square1….

Hard Graft Square1 Driftwood Holdall
If you’re fond of the Hard Graft signature combination, grey wool and light brown leather, then you’ll also love their…

Hard Graft Refresh Leather Dopp Kit
Let’s face it, even though there are really beautiful pieces of dopp kits out there, almost every kit follows the…

Hard Graft Phone Wallet Plus – The All-in-One Leather Wallet
Over the course of the past 6 years, the Austrian leather artisans of Hard Graft have proven they know how…

Hard Graft Phone Bi-Fold Wallet
In times we’ve to carry our iPhones or mobile of choice, wallet and probably another life-alleviating necessity all the time…
Hard Graft #oldfashioned Leather iPad Case
Products of hard graft’s #oldfashioned collection, the hash is part of the name, deliberately exude a certain one of a…

Hard Graft Nero Card Case
When it comes to Google, widespread mobile payment is just a question of months, but until then let your plastic…

Hard Graft Leather Notebook Rucksack
If it’s about commuting, a rucksack definitely comes with a high-grade of comfort, but most of the time they just…

Hard Graft Leather Draw Card Case
Pieces of the Austrian brand Hard Graft are made from designers for those who appreciate a flawless look, yet without…

Hard Graft Leather Boots 2012
With highly recognised skills in working leather, it is no off nor surprising thing that hard graft is finally introducing…