The American company HDI is widely recognized for their spectacular high-profile 3D products, and the new LSS Pro 1 projector is said to have a significant impact on how we perceive 3D – and it’s a looker while doing it. The new Laser-driven projector delivers stereoscopic 2K image-quality at a stonishing framerate of 1080, or 360 color frames per second per eye at a touted 200% NTSC gamut through the use of 2K RGB laser-illuminated Liquid Crystal on Silicon micro display imagers. A range of six differently styled cases will be available starting with the cube, a true cubic behemoth that succeeds to catch the attention even when turned off.
August 10, 2011 – Los Gatos, CA – HDI 3D announces it has begun manufacturing its line of proprietary and patented Laser-Driven 2D/3D Switchable Dynamic Video Projectors. HDI 3D projectors derive their stereoscopic 2K image-quality from dual 2K RGB laser-illuminated Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCOS) micro display imagers. At 1080 frames per second, 360 color frames per second per eye, HDI 3D projectors offer the fasted 3D, as well as 2D, refresh rate in the world, while also delivering a laser color gamut up to 200% NTSC.
The first pre-production run of 100 hand-made-in-the-USA HDI 3D Model LSS Pro 1 Projectors will be available in mid-February 2012. As many as five other models are expected to be available by the end of 2012.
Designed for a multitude of fully immersive 3D applications, including home theater, professional screening rooms, corporate, systems integration, and more, HDI 3D Projectors are designed for compatibility with their own proprietary line of Laser Silver Screens in 120-inch, 200-inch and 300-inch diagonal models. The 120-inch diagonal screen offers 70 Foot Lambert in 2D and 35 Foot Lambert in 3D, and the 200 and 300-inch diagonal screens offer 35 Foot Lambert in 2D and 18 Foot Lambert in 3D.
HDI 3D has completely eliminated the adverse effects, such as migraines, dizziness, nausea, and motion sickness, long associated with inferior and expensive shutter glasses and substandard 3D technology. HDI 3D delivers the most immersive, comfortable, and natural 3D viewing experience in the world with low-cost and light-weight proprietary polarized glasses. Technology journalist Richard Hart called HDI 3D’s picture quality, “the smoothest yet, and smoothness means no headaches,” and Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computers, stated, “Without a doubt, the best demonstration of 3D technology I have ever seen.”
HDI 3D first announced their new laser-driven projection technology in September 2009 after three years of intensive R&D at a cost of, to date, approximately $6.7 million dollars in personal and private funding, with founder and CEO Ingemar Jansson as the primary investor. Recently Hollywood entertainment industry entities and leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and display technologies have expressed interest in partnering and/or investing to fast-track mass production of the HDI 3D projectors, especially for the home theater marketplace.