Cork enhanced Barware on the Forefront of the green Designer Movement

Cork enhanced Barware on the Forefront of the green Designer Movement
Cork enhanced Barware on the Forefront of the green Designer Movement

Cork enhanced Barware on the Forefront of the green Designer Movement

Kim Seybert’s unique design collection distinguishes through a combination of autodidactic design studies of traditional tabletop accessories and techniques with a modern-day visual architecture. Admittedly, home decor is not the favored man’s territory, but a collection of striking barware that furthermore uses a renewable and sustainable natural material to attract attention is worth a look. The next progression for the fashion industry is on the re- and upcycling front, thus elevates this cork enhanced barware collection straight to the forefront of the green designer movement. At least, an option for the environmentally conscious man who seeks something more distinguishing then a leather wrapped shaker.