Canon’s first mirrorless Cam – the EOS M

Canon’s first mirrorless Cam – the EOS M
Canon’s first mirrorless Cam – the EOS M

Canon’s first mirrorless Cam – the EOS M

For those who still seek a cam that delivers both high-quality stills and moving pictures whilst maintaining a compact point-n-shoot form-factor, Canon just officially unveiled their first mirrorless camera, the EOS M. Tipping the scale at 14.2 ounces, this light cam features an 18-megapixel APS-C-sized CMOS sensor, pretty wide dynamic range and light sensitivity with an ISO of 100 to 25.600, 3-inch 1.04MP multi-touch touchscreen, Canon’s most advanced smooth and quiet autofocus system, that also work with 1080p HD movie capturing at 24, 25 or 30fps alongside a continuous shooting mode at 4.3fps and a built-in stereo mic.