Barnes & Noble NookColor

Barnes & Noble NookColor
Barnes & Noble NookColor

Barnes & Noble NookColor

Recently, Barnes & Noble unveiled what is their contribution to bring some color into the e-reader industry, even though the term e-reader does not entirely apply in this case. The NookColor is a full-fledged e-reader including  few tastes of a tablet device of which most notably is its elaborate UI featuring B&N’s NOOKfriends system that integrates Facebook, Twitter, mail sharing and additional third-party Apps right on the screen. B&N speaks about a social reading device, which with weighting a mere 15.6 ounce offers easy access to todays needs regardless of where you actually savor a quick bite. Most notably features are the 7-inch IPS-panel touchscreen boasting a resolution of 1024 x 600px, 8GB of storage, built-in WiFi and up to 8 hours of reading time.