Archos’ redesigned Generation 6 portable media tablets

Archos’ redesigned Generation 6 portable media tablets
Archos’ redesigned Generation 6 portable media tablets

Archos’ redesigned Generation 6 portable media tablets

Archos recently raised the veil of their next generation media tablets primary target to a true portable internet browsing experience. The Archos 5, 5g and 7 internet tablets feature all a high resolution touch-screen powered by an ARM Cortex superscalar microprocessors which does its debut in this devices, and they share other similarities such as a full email application, HD video support, and WiFi capacity. When it comes to its portability factor the whole range shines bright, from the thinnest with 0.5-inches at 5-inch and 60GB to the flagship 7-inch model with a mere of 0.75 thickness and 320GB storage.