Bric’s Safari Plus Collection for the metropolitan Hunters and Gatherers

Bric’s Safari Plus Collection for the metropolitan Hunters and Gatherers
Bric’s Safari Plus Collection for the metropolitan Hunters and Gatherers

Bric’s Safari Plus Collection for the metropolitan Hunters and Gatherers

Admittedly, a well organized mind considers and prepares for any possibly occurring circumstances to avoid those last-minute terminal sprints, at least we all try to anticipate situations. However, sometimes it’s just not avoidable, thanks to the again crashed booking system, and we’re again stuck in the middle of an in-any-direction moving crowd. Obviously, the comparison to a modern safari is what inspired the Italian tradition brand Bric’s to create an ultra-durable luggage collection that packs a certain animalistic look. The Safari Plus collection is the first polycarbonate trolley coated with a brushed flock of cotton and croco-embossing that gives a suede look and feel. That marriage of ultra-durability, comfort in the form of quite and easy maneuverability and a decent appearance makes this pieces a serious choice for the modern metropolitan hunters and gatherers.