Asus O!Play HD2 boasts with USB 3.0

Asus O!Play HD2 boasts with USB 3.0
Asus O!Play HD2 boasts with USB 3.0

Asus O!Play HD2 boasts with USB 3.0

Searching for your next entertainment room’s technical focal point, you won’t be able to avoid Asus’ visual tidbit of a media player, dubbed the O!Play HD2. Alongside an enticing sleek, black appearance, the O!Play withal trumps with an industry’s first detail, featuring the new, ultra fast USB 3.0 port. Further mentionable are both its WiFi and Ethernet connectivity, the HDMI 1.3, composite, component, s/pdif and eSATA ports as also card readers for SD, and Memory Sticks.