The young high-end camera maker RED Digital Cinema Camera Company is rapidly evolving to a scene controlling brand comparable with Apple’s white ear-buds revolution. Recently, they have introduced the Scarlet and EPIC digital stills and motion camera systems which are basically a revolutionizing completely modular and upgradeable camera system. Whether you’re up for a professional still camera or a Hollywood competing camcorder, the apparently infinite modules offers set-ups built around upgradeable sensors starting at 2/3-inch to a huge 6x17cm sensor and 4.9 megapixels stills climbing up to an enormous 261 megapixels shot. The Scarlet system is also capable of capturing up to 6K moving pictures at 30fps and the EPIC sensors will offer up to 28K at 25fps – Considering the fact that anything is completely interchangeable, this might be the last cam for the entire life of that ambitious director.