Michael Aram’s mystical Indian metalwork Techniques instilled in a Chess Set

Michael Aram’s mystical Indian metalwork Techniques instilled in a Chess Set
Michael Aram’s mystical Indian metalwork Techniques instilled in a Chess Set
Michael Aram’s mystical Indian metalwork Techniques instilled in a Chess Set

A trip to India, allowed Michael Aram to gain unexploited metalworking techniques which can be traced back to age old traditions and had a life-altering impact on him. That specific turn offered Aram a unique opportunity that he now aspires to pass further to connoisseurs of fine metalwork around the globe. Michael Aram’s chess set exemplifies aforementioned fantastic handmade techniques with excellent subtleties and an overall reputably high crafting quality that consolidates a regal tidbit for every chessmen who likes to immerse into the medieval strategic adventure of knights, queens and kings.