Heston Blumenthal is noted for such curious sounding dishes as nitrogen scrambled egg and bacon ice cream, but that certain innovative style of cuisine also invites for a veritable unparalleled taste experience that already gained his restaurant The Fat Duck three Michelin stars. Discover in three separated parts the journey of Heston Blumenthal developing and popularizing the Molecular kitchen. This well bound work opens with a biographical essay and the history of the highly prestigious Fat Duck restaurant’s origins, leading consequently to the nouveau haute cuisine recipes explained in utterly detail that is followed by a scientific view on cooking, namely food chemistry that made Heston already a legend in the culinary world. Stuffed with enlightening and entertaining high quality illustrations, the Big Fat Duck cookbook gives insight to enable a greater understanding of taste and flavor which solely makes it necessary to be perused thoroughly and a crucial addition to any kitchen-versed gentleman’s cookbook assortment.